food and drink

AWESOMETALK – The Final Word on Thanksgiving

Hello! It’s been a while, but I’m back in blog form. What brought me out of retirement? The good folks at Awesome Talk, that’s what! Actually, that’s who, not what. Awesome Talk is a bi-weekly talk show featuring a crew of superfriends (Rick, Ryan, Andrew, Sarah, Stonz, and some other folks I haven’t met yet). They asked me to stop by for Episode 10, then had me back for THE FINAL WORD on Episode 11, which was recorded last night. It was a damn good time! It’ll be up on youtube soon, but in the meantime, here is my…

Final Word on Thanksgiving - 

Thanksgiving is here, and like most people, I’ve been getting my thank on in preparation for the upcoming extravaganza. People ask me, they ask, hey John, that’s them asking. They ask, Hey John, how many things are you thankful for? Then they pause and wait for my answer. And my answer is this – 156 things. I know, I know, a little light this year, but we have to get through all of them to appease the turkey gods.

1.  THE FOOD. I don’t know if you realize this, but we are a culture that LOVES FOOD. Entire STORES dedicated to the stuff. Books, websites, even television shows! I recently watched a live 2 hour broadcast of celebrity chefs preparing a thanksgiving feast, and I guess it was supposed to remind me of home because it was a lot of people getting drunk and reading twitter while accidentally remembering that they’re supposed to be cooking something. However, no one called the president an ethnic slur or threatened a deceased relative with a carving knife pointed towards the heavens. This just proves that there are some things that TV will never get right. It will never replace the fuzzy in the tummy feeling of eating cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, rolls, stuffing, and turkey… all in that exact order, because my OCD demands that I eat all of my foods alphabetically.

Can one projector handle SO MUCH HEAD

2. THE MEMORIES. What thanksgiving would be complete without a trip down the ol’ Memory lane. Hey remember the time that thing happened, asks the brain, because that’s what brains do. Here’s a thanksgiving memory my family brings up every year: my mom lit a turkey on fire. There were flames and smoke and… That’s all I remember about the story. It happened either 5 or 10 or 25 years ago, maybe? It was either really bad or maybe it was really good? “Hey remember when mom lit the turkey on fire?” asks my entire family and they all nod in agreement. “Mmmyes, that was a thing that happened.” I sit there dead eyed, unable to remember. Then I start to think maybe this isn’t my real family? Oh no, did they die in the turkey fire? HOLY SHIT DID I DIE IN THE TURKEY FIRE? A quick glance at my hands to make sure they’re not transparent ghost hands, and whew, ok – totally solid. Now I know it’s a bit cliched, but that’s another thing I’m thankful for. No dead in a fire transparent ghost hands. Add it to the list, 157 things.

3 – 157. ONE PIECE OF THANKFULNESS FOR EVERY GIGABYTE OF THIS TORRENT I’M DOWNLOADING. 154 gigs of rap airhorn sound effects. Oh man it’s almost done. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… COMPLETE. Ahh, that’s the stuff. That’s something we can all be thankful for.

@virginia_1889 yes there is an @aplusk #nikoncoolpix

A husband and wife are huddled in front of a crackling fireplace placing index cards around a model size replica of their dining room table. “So, I think my mother and father will sit on the side furthest from the kitchen, next to Uncle Robert and the orphan twins.” says the wife, meticulously shaping the index cards to size. “You’ll be at the head of the table because you’re the man of this house and this is your special day. I know how much you just love the holidays.” With a red and green pen, she alternates the colors of the letters in Uncle Robert’s name. Red U, green N, red C, green L…

He leans over to kiss his wife on the forehead and asks, “More marshmallows, dear?” Just outside, a light dusting of snow punctuates their perfectly tasteful nativity scene; the footprints of carolers slowly disappearing beneath the angel dandruff. The husband adjusts the belt on his almost-too-big robe and watches Mr. Henderson hang another row of icicle lights from his roof. He’ll have to remember to compliment him on another marvelous holiday display. You did it again Mr. Henderson, you old so and so!

Bag of marshmallows in hand, the husband returns to the floor in front of the tiny dining room table. “Finished!” exclaims his wife. “Another perfect holiday dinner party, coming up!” He nods in approval, admiring the table’s fine craftsmanship as well as his wife’s penmanship. A bewitching smirk crosses his wife’s face as she picks up the remaining blank index cards and glitter vials. “You know honey, we still have two seats left. What if you could wish upon the star that lead the three wise men to the newborn king? And with that wish of all wishes, you could have anybody, anybody in the world, join our holiday dinner party. Who would you pick?”

The husband runs a hand through his wife’s hair and ponders this holiday riddle. “Anybody in the world? My dear, I thought you’d never ask. I wish I may, I wish I might, that both Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Aniston would join us that joyous night!” He playfully taps her on the nose. “Boop! Here let me help you wi-” His sentence is interrupted as his wife throws the miniature dining room table and accompanying index cards into the fireplace.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU TREVOR?” The flames of hell reflect in her eyes as the names of their family, friends and all of the orphan twins turn to ash. “Are you fucking serious right now? Here’s an idea, why don’t we sit some of your porno girls next to gram-mem! They can shake their tushes in Trevor Jr’s face while he says the Lord’s Blessing! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?” She storms off to the kitchen. He can hear drawers violently opening and closing and she rummages for the keys to the liquor cabinet.

He chases after her. “But honey, don’t you remember when the man from Reuters called me at the office and asked me to participate in that holiday dinner poll? My answers are firmly in line with the rest of America!” With a warm smile he puts his hand on her chin. Their eyes meet and he calmly says, “Now, why don’t we try to save what’s left of the miniature dining room table and your delightful index cards and call it a night, ok?”

Have a holly jolly Christmaaaaaaaghhhhhhhhhhhhh

She snaps her head away from him and takes a large gulp from a bottle of scotch, now free from its triple locked cabinet. Wiping her lips with the back of her hand before taking another large gulp, she says,”You take your fucking hands off me and you get the fuck out of this house.” He knows he’s lost. There would be no braised goose or razzleberry dumplings or sweet apple gravybutter for Trevor this year. She has that look in her eye that says, “Trevor, you won’t be getting a second helping of shoe-fly marmalade for your freshly baked pfeffernüsse this holiday season. I’ve already filed the papers for our divorce, and I’ve written ‘Trevor’ on a new index card, crossed it out, and wrote ‘Jay Leno’ instead. He’s the funniest man in America, and he’ll be sitting right next to me. Forever. I hate you.” Her eye was so expressive.


Hey folks, John here. I hope you enjoyed this year’s very special holiday update! Can you believe people actually want to have dinner with those yahoos? Rachel Ray? Who is that even? Charlie Sheen? What, the dope addict from television? Yeah right! But seriously folks, I hope you all have a wonderful (and SAFE! hehe) holiday season! We had a lot of laughs this year, didn’t we? Oh boy. Yup. Good, uh… good times. Well, hey, don’t let me keep you. I’ll see you… next year! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha holy shit


My invitation to Nicki Minaj’s 40th birthday party.

As a prominent figure on the internet, I receive a lot of special offers and freebies. And this isn’t just because my email address is plastered all over the place and spam robots find it and… ok that’s exactly why. I get a lot of spam. But this amazing advertisement for Urban Nightlife Org snuck through the spam filter, and intrigued me with its subject: Nicki Minaj 40in|Free Birthday Parties|New Wknd Events… At first glance I thought I was invited to Nicki Minaj’s 40th birthday party, which didn’t sound right for about a thousand reasons (her age, she probably doesn’t have my new email address, etc), but I clicked anyway. And this is what I got. The longest advertisement for… I don’t know if this is one place or just an advertisement for being a young urban professional that likes to party. Which, hey, I’m all for that. But the amount of graphics, along with the sheer length of this email is just incredible. This is somewhat SFW, unless your job has something against partying (oh, and I removed all of the links because they looked shady as shit).

Pepsi Max: Cease Fire review

Slightly better than Pepsi Max: Shoot the Hostage

While getting lunch in the cafeteria today, I noticed a strange bottle of soda among the normal bottles of soda in the cooler.  It had a black label, so it appealed to my demographic (late 20’s dude who likes black labels on things) but also had some playful green text that hinted it could be an energy drink (because energy should be green).  I succumbed to my thurges (thirst urges) and purchased 20 fl oz’s of Pepsi Max: Cease Fire.

Here’s my review – it tastes like Diet Pepsi.  But until the drink met my lips, I had no idea what I was going to experience.  First off, I liked the idea of a soda named Cease Fire.  It’s peaceful.  Like all of the other sodas were battling for dominance and Pepsi Max was like, “Guys, let’s just relax for a second… we’re all sodas here, and enough blood has been shed.” However, the label urged me to “COOL THE BURN,” and I wasn’t sure what burn I was supposed to be cooling.  First I thought it was referring to my lifestyle – PepsiCo is assuming that my life is full of extreme sports and heat.  Perhaps it’s aloe flavored?  Maybe it’s like a Camel Crush cigarette, but instead of changing from non-menthol to menthol, it goes from spicy to cool through a complicated filtration system.  Just what the fuck am I drinking here PepsiCo? I’m so thirsty.

That’s when I turned the bottle around.  Turns out I’m not the only one baffled by this drink since there’s a giant disclaimer that describes both the burning and cooling sensations.

COOL THE BURN: New Doritos® Burn Flavors and Pepsi Max® Cease Fireâ„¢ are the perfect combination of tempting heat and calming cool.  With the fireproof formula of Pepsi Max® Cease Fireâ„¢, you’ll keep coming back for more.  So prepare your mouth for the pleasure of two highly reactive flavors.
(then there’s a picture of a Dorito chip on fire)

OK, so, Pepsi Max: Cease Fire is like a Doritos Burn Ward plug-in with one goal: to fully unlock the flavor potential of both products.  Chips are hot these days!  You need a drink that is chemically engineered by the chip’s parent company to extinguish the herbs and spices.  Kind of like when you go to a restaurant and the waiter recommends a wine that complements your meal of chicken strips and veggie spring rolls (it’s White Zinfandel, btw).  Like peanut butter and jelly, beer and wings,  Ween and inhalants… Pepsi Max: Cease Fire and hot as fuck Doritos are two things.

Because of this, I’m going to retract my review.  Forget everything I ever said about Pepsi Max: Cease Fire.  I didn’t have any Doritos Burn Ward chips with my lunch, so my review is worthless.  However, the good folks over at reviewed both the chips AND the soda, so you should read that instead. If you’re not into the whole “clicking links” thing, here’s a summary of their review – Pepsi Max: Cease Fire is gimmicky bullshit, and the bottlers should be killed.  They’re making some powerful enemies over there.